Trilogy Horse Industries, Inc.
We buy used Safe-T-Mills!
Our Products
Safe-T-Mill High Performance Treadmill
Safe-T-Mill Original Treadmill
Safe-T-Mill Easy Strider Treadmill
Safe-T-Mill Mini-Sport Treadmill
Easy Walker
Free Walker
Easy Stocks
Mini Stock
Easy Feeder 2-foot Stall Model
Easy Feeder 4-foot Pasture Model
Mini Feeder 4-foot Pasture Model
Easy Feeder 4-foot Wall Model
Wash Rack
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The World's Largest Manufacturer of Rollerless (High-Speed) Treadmills with Adjustable Incline
U.S. Patent #4227487 * U.S. Patent #D259367 * Canadian Patent #1125692

Because of the ever changing horse industry, SAFE-T-MILL® developed the Easy StriderTM High Speed Treadmill. The Treadmill was designed to fit the needs of the horseman and various universities and equine centers that require very high speeds. The combination of variable elevation from 0 to 10 degrees and variable speeds from 0 to 16 mph will execute walk, trot and run procedures thus enabling the operator to test a broad spectrum of equine speeds. The longer body, quiet operation and low maintenance makes the Easy StriderTM the perfect answer for the operation that requires halter, performance, racing and testing of the equine athlete.

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